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I’m Sonia Galeota-Styger, a professional certified Coach and I love exploring relationships - what makes them tick, what makes them grow.


I consult in French, English and Spanish.

I’ve worked with people on their professional journeys and personal lives for over 10 years. Together we dig deep and then gain the momentum necessary to fly.


Taking into account your specific environment, my passion is to allow YOU to express yourself, to live more freely, to embody your convictions, and to build your own framework for self-confidence... that you can be that shining light !

My client describe me as both gentle and powerful

Gentle because it’s easier to leave our comfort zone when we feel supported by someone who is profoundly empathetic and very open.

Powerful Powerful, because I walk you through areas and blind spots that have not yet been identified.

May the path towards yourself and others be a bright adventure!


In summary...

  • Certified Coach, ICF PCC (more than 1,500 hours of coaching): the ICF is a highly-recognized international professional coaching association that guarantees the quality of its coaches that hold certain qualifications, and who follow specific supervision and continued training programsCoaching certification from International Mozaik Paris and Wakan Genève

  • Trained in Jungian Analysis and in Gestalt practice (5 years of post-graduate study) from the Parisian School of Gestalt Therapy: a private graduate studies school accredited by the European association of psychotherapy and the French Federation of Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.

  • Certified in Appreciative Inquiry, Positive Psychology, Non-Violent Communication ; supervised in each of these practices and ongoing training

  • Master of Business Administration from HEC and Master in Fiscal Law

  • Trilingual (French, English, Spanish)

  • Mother of three and wife​

  • I work with both international companies and with individuals, online or in my private practice in Douvaine, France

My story

My professions as both a coach and a therapist, as well as the way I approach them, have developed from different enlightening moments over my lifetime. Even from a young age, I have been passionate about relationships, and this has been the common thread throughout my different career experiences.

For most of my career I worked for large international companies. I was part of different Management Committees, invested in relationships within my teams, went through periods of transition, led large-scale strategic projects, and continued personal development training in my quest for light.  I suffered, lost people dear to me and conducted missions without glory. 


For 6 years, I also had the opportunity to teach as part of the International Human Resources Master’s program at Panthéon-Assas in Paris (CIFFOP).  Imparting my knowledge and experience through teaching was one of those mysteriously wonderful moments that helped me identify my vocation...

For a long time, I continued along my path holding onto the expectations others had for me, though I slowly started trying out new directions.  My career received an electroshock at that very moment when I was no longer able to go to work. I had missed the signals, had stopped listening to that little voice inside of me - I had forgotten to ask myself where I shined the most and where I found purpose.

From that moment on, I gained confidence in what made me who I am. I began training as a professional coach, but since each step takes us deeper into our real selves, there were more discoveries yet to come...

Image de felipepelaquim

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© 2020 by Sonia Galeota-Styger

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