
How do I contribute to my well-being and my performance at work or in my role? How do I usually manage things with my boss, with my team? What role does work play in my life?
“Me and my career” coaching - individual consultations
You would like to take on each new week with serenity, prepare your schedule while maintaining a larger perspective, and have an enriching work week.
1. Transform your life at work into a place of fulfillment and achievement!
Work takes up a large part of your life, but apart from your expertise you may not have learned how to position yourself within the organization in order to feel completely aligned with what you are doing.
2. Integrate, resolve, prepare...
Integrate a new role with confidence, resolve communication conflicts, cope with being overtired, find strategies to surpass an uneasy professional situation, prepare an annual review or public intervention.
3. Put into place an action plan (and the celebration of your success!) during sessions with precise objectives. We can also complete and debrief a personality profile test that will help you better understand how you function (Clifford StrengthsFinder, DiSC…).