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What makes me feel alive today?

When am I the best version of myself?

Private consultations




Next "Caring Communication" workshop


May - Yvoire

You are overworked, you’re having trouble starting each new week and are facing professional or personal difficulties.  You would like to say “no,” in order to say “yes” to other things.

1.  Take a step back in a secure space to take care of yourself, even when you feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions and you’ve lost some of your self-confidence.

2.  Find yourself and reconnect with yourself in periods of doubt and chaos. Sort things out, get in touch with your true feelings, find the path to rebuilding self-confidence and rely on your available strengths.

3. Bring together discussion, active listening, questioning and connection to your profound aspirations. (Possibility of completing a personality test that we will analyze together).

Workshops - “Caring Communication”

Because often we don’t know how to best express to others what we really want to say...

This workshop allows you to: 

  • Learn to communicate your emotions to positively contribute to healthy and sincere relationships: at home, with your friends, at work.

  • Create favorable conditions for building trusting relationships

  • Generate less aggressive personal and work environments

  • Learn new ways of living and working together

  • Develop autonomy and personal responsibility


This workshop is open to adults and children (8 and up). You can come by yourself, in tandem if you would like to work together, as a couple, or as a family! This is your chance 😉 !

Image de felipepelaquim

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© 2020 by Sonia Galeota-Styger

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